Friday 27 April 2012


 Today we had a presentation on YouTube and we watched some of the most viewed videos on You Tube. It was very interesting to find out about how You Tube works and all the different functions of You Tube. We then had some blog time. After this we had lunch in fusion cafe , I like the way that we get to visit each cafe each day. After lunch we had a social action challenge and my team created a power point about CSR , Me and a member of my team presented it. I was very happy that I done this as this was a skill I was hoping to develop over the week. Although my team didn't win it was still a great experience and I really enjoyed it.
 We then had a chance to do a Dear Future Me email where we got to send an email to ourself that would be delivered in the future. After this we got to go to the games room in the engineering building , I really enjoyed this and had a lot of fun. After this we had another career spotlight from Karl Ryan. Karl is an Account strategist and he is very interesting. We then got to watch our You Tube video and found out who won. After this we had a speech from Vint Cerf , who fathered the internet. This was very interesting.

Wednesday 25 April 2012


 Today we began the day with a consumer operations presentation and challenge , this presentation was very interesting because we were shown the different functions of Google in great depth. We were also introduced to some Google apps. We then had a break followed by some blog time and a sneak peak into the Social action challenge that will be on tomorrow. This sneak peak was good because tonight we can brainstorm about the challenge and be prepared for tomorrow. This presentation as followed by some more blog time. We then went for lunch in the Earth cafe.
 After lunch we worked on our CV's because they got printed at two o'clock in preparation for our mock interview on Friday. We then had a sales presentation and challenge. For this challenge we had to research a Google app , find the functions and befits of these apps and pitch the sale , this was a really good challenge as it gave us pitching experience.
 After this we had a career spotlight speech , this was really interesting and we learnt a lot about working in Google! Then we had an hour to work on our blog. Third day in Google was great and I'm really enjoying the week!!

Tuesday 24 April 2012


 Today we all met in the reception at nine o'clock and then we came to our room and sat in seat according to the teams we were in for the day. This was good as it encouraged us to meet new people. The first activity we done was a 'Blogger training' presentation. This was very good as it helped me to improve my blog and find new blogs to follow. This showed me new ways of improving my blog by getting a new theme to make it look prettier. After this presentation we had a ten minute break in the micro kitchen. We then had an I.T Presentation and challenge , I really enjoyed this as it is something I never usually look at or get to learn more about. During this presentation and challenge we got to build a computer with our team and learn about hacking into a computer.
 For lunch we went over to cloud 9 cafe which is in the new building and it is really cool and has lots of nice food. After this we had a CSI Lab (Creative Skills for Innovation) which was very good ! My team won and we got a Google power stick and a Google charger holder. During this CSI activity we learnt about how to solve and overcome a problem. We then had a ten minute break and afterwards we got to work on our blogs!
 We then got a presentation from Ronan Harris (Sales director). Ronan was very interesting and he told us about how the Internet has evolved and how Google predicts that it will evolve. We then finished the day up by working on our CV's and Blogs. Overall I really enjoyed my second day!!

Monday 23 April 2012


 Today was our first day in Google, and at the start I was very nervous but after we got introduced to our programme managers Sara and Debbie and done some ice breakers with the group my nerves had gone. We also got some cool goody bags! The first activity today was a programme overview , this was very beneficial as it gave us a good outlook of the programme and the different activity's that will be held during the week! We then done some ice breakers which was a great activity as it helped me to get to know the group and make some new friends! After this activity we got our chrome books that we will be using for the week.
 We then had a break and after our break we got to meet John Herlihy who is the vice president of Google. He gave us a really interesting speech on how he began to work in Google and how he enjoys his work here. We then got an extremely interesting presentation from Ryan Owens who is an on-line sales manager. I found this presentation extremely interesting because he showed us how Google has evolved over the years and how it hopes to evolve even more! We then met a very interesting man named Dom Cunningham 'The sheriff' who is the Safety and Security manager here at Google. Dom is a very funny man and he told us some interesting stories from his time here in Google , he also explained a bit about the security system here. 
 At one o'clock we then went for lunch which was very nice and we got loads of really nice food!! When we finished lunch we went on an office tour , I found this very interesting and I thoroughly enjoyed this as we got each theme and floor design explained to us. We also got to visit the new building which was very nice and filled loads of great and interesting places! After out tour we got a CV&Interview workshop which I thought was really beneficial as I got to learn a lot about making a CV. I also got to learn a few tips and tricks on doing interviews , these tips were beneficial as we will be having a mock interview on Friday.
 We then had another break in the micro kitchen. After our break we got to meet an Engineer named John Looney , I found him very interesting as he has experienced so many different jobs in his life and he has accomplished so many different things. After that speech we then got to work on our blogs. Overall I really enjoyed my first day in OneWeek@Google, I got to learn a lot of new things about Google and meet loads of new people!!
